+233 (0) 24 4378504 / +233 (0) 20 3299255

Akwaaba Assist Limited (AAL)

Akwaaba Assist Limited (AAL) operates as a globally focused company servicing Ghana airports and Sea ports. We are a licensed Customs House Agent by the Ghana Revenue Authority (Customs Division)

All it takes is one small mistake at the border. Suddenly your shipment is stuck. Idle man hours start adding up, delivery deadlines are missed, production is delayed, and you have got to explain it all to angry customers and disappointed consumers. And, to top it off, you’ve just been fined. Importing goods into Ghana is a complex understanding of multiple laws and regulations.

So, take the time up front to select a logistics provider with an established Ghanaian delivery network and proven experience in cross-border expertise. Your customers, your supply chain, and your bottom line will appreciate it.


Akwaaba Assist Ltd is affiliated with the International Federation of Freight Forwarders (FIATA) and the Ghana Institute of Freight Forwarders (GIFF)